Pozdravna poruka Komunističke partije Narodne Republike Donjeka Socijalističkoj radničkoj partiji Hrvatske

Dragi drugovi!

U ime Komunističke partije Donjecke Narodne Republike srdačno vas pozdravljamo i želimo vam nove uspjehe u borbi za društvenu pravdu, interese radnih ljudi. Rado prihvaćamo vašu ponudu suradnje i hvala vam na riječima podrške i solidarnosti. Predlažemo organizirati razmjenu vijesti o aktivnostima naših stranaka i organizirati međusobnu informativnu podršku. Narodi Donbasa i Hrvatske imaju zajedničkog neprijatelja koji se zove imperijalizam. Već četiri godine Donbas herojski odbija oružanu agresiju neonacista kijevskog režima iza kojeg stoje američki pokrovitelji. Hrvatska također pati od djelovanja krupnoga kapitala: članstvo u NATO-u i EU često sprječava donošenje odluka koje zadovoljavaju interese naroda. Suočeni sa svjetskim imperijalizmom, nužno je ojačati na svim poljima međunarodnu solidarnost radnika čija je avangarda sastavljena od komunističkih i radničkih partija. Naša suradnja je važan doprinos rješavanju ovog zadatka.

S komunističkim pozdravima,

Centralni komitet Komunističke partije

Donjecke Narodne Republike


Appeal of the Communist Party of the Donetsk People’s Republic to the Socialist Workers’ Party of Croatia

Dear comrades!

On behalf of the Communist Party of the Donetsk People’s Republic, we cordially greet you and wish you new successes in the struggle for social justice, the interests of the working people. We gladly accept your offer of cooperation and thank you for the words of support and solidarity. We propose to arrange exchange of news about the activities of our parties and organize mutual information support. The peoples of Donbass and Croatia have a common enemy which is imperialism. For four years already, Donbass has been heroically repelling the armed aggression of the neo-Nazi Kiev regime, behind which the American curators stand. Croatia also suffers from actions of big capital: the country’s membership in NATO and the EU often prevents it from taking decisions which the interests of its people require. In the face of world imperialism, it is necessary to strengthen in every way the international solidarity of the working people, whose vanguard is made up of the communist and workers’ parties. Our cooperation is an important contribution to solving this task.


With communist greetings,

Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Donetsk People’s Republic


Socijalistička radnička partija Hrvatske (SRPH) počašćena je uspostavljanjem odnosa i suradnjom s Komunističkom partijom Narodne Republike Donjecka te izražava podršku vašoj borbi za bolji i pravedniji svijet u uslovima brutalne imperijalističke agresije oružanog krila krupnog kapitala – NATO pakta – i povampirenih fašističkih hordi Ukrajine. Borba za naše zajedničke ideale, pobjedu socijalizma na zemaljskoj kugli, može biti ostvarena samo na principima marksizma-lenjinizma i proleterskog internacionalizma kojeg uspostavljanjem odnosa dviju partija manifestiramo. U nadi da realiziramo mogući susret naših delegata, radi boljeg upoznavanja situacija u našim zemljama, srdačno Vas i drugarski pozdravljamo!


Socijalistička radnička partija Hrvatske

Odbor za međunarodnu suradnju


Dear Comrades from the Communist party of Donetsk People’s Republic!


The Socialist Workers’ Party of Croatia (SRPH) is honored by establishing relations and cooperation with the Communist Party of the Donetsk People’s Republic and expresses support for your struggle for a better and fairer world under the conditions of the brutal imperialist aggression of the armed force of the greater capital (NATO) and the fascist hordes of Ukraine. The struggle for our common ideals, the victory of socialism on the globe, can only be achieved on the principles of Marxism-Leninism and Proletarian Internationalism which we’re manifesting by establishing the relationship between our two parties. In the hope of realizing a possible meeting of our delegates for a better understanding of the situation in our countries, we warmly and comradely greet you!

Socialist Workers’ Party of Croatia
Section for International Cooperation